Why Do I Write Part 2


I write because it paints the portrait of who I am

I write to share my feelings and to associate myself with others

I write because it creates a beautiful song that tells my story and feeds my soul

I write because my pen is mightier than the sword as it helps me to stand up for what I believe in

I write for my sadness, happiness, pain and joy

I write to wash away my stress, worries and strife

I write because my words add colors to a cruel world painted in black and white

I write because I have an unrested mind full of waves of emotion and ideas

I write for my existence

(you can see part 1 here: https://voyageroffreedom.wordpress.com/2015/09/07/why-do-i-write/)


16 responses »

    • Thank you<3
      Oh yes!! You have no idea how much I struggle in writing reports at work, I hate formal writing.
      Some think writing is just writing abstract words without emotion or feeling, well they are wrong!!

      Liked by 2 people

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