Growing Old


Take a look at an old photo of you and think of how you’re aging all the time, drawing closer to your last breath. You can marry, have children, grandchildren–graduate, get promoted, buy houses, cars, and toys. Take vacations and build for the future. But the future comes and all you see is that old photo of you: younger, healthier, happier, more vital. The future comes and it only brings your end, and all your work and children and houses and such go on to their end, and the future you were building was only a dream, an illusion which you kept working for, drudging toward and for what? Why was all so important to you? Why did you take it all so seriously?

(My birthday is next week, and I always feel a little down during my birthdays especially this year as I’m turning 30 so I’m bit emotional )


34 responses »

  1. Thirty is good! I’m double that and more – chock full of memories and experiences – just as mad and still with dreams, visions and a mound of things to do, achieve and plan for.
    In my head I’m still eighteen.
    Live the moment Nadine.

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    • Thank you for the encouragement dear ❤
      Getting older is emotionally challenging and there's a place for crying about time passing and feeling like we don't have enough of it. But as you said life is full of beautiful experiences and moments.


  2. Life is a serious undertaking and I believe it is appropriate to tackle it with vigour, energy, and integrity. I can’t tell you what it is ‘about’ as I am not yet at the end, but I am learning that it is a never-ending journey of discovery and enjoyment – not the kind of quick-fix splash of pleasure – although there is a time for that as well – but a deep-seated pleasure and wonderment. For me the difficulty is to imagine leaving this behind.

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  3. I tell you, sweet Nadine, I felt that way turning 30 too. I have no idea why that was the year, but it was. That was the year where I hit that same wall you describe and was a bit melancholy. But two or three days after my birthday, I won first place in my division of a martial arts tournament and put that right out of my head.

    Here I am close to double your age and I am more content, happy and hopeful than I have ever been in my life. Probably because I did that very same self-analysis and accepted that the ‘stuff’ didn’t matter at all – the moments did.

    I find growing old to be a privilege not everyone is given so I cherish every single day given me and the lessons each one brings.

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    • Dear Rita thank you so much for sharing your experience with me ❤ I always feel a bit down before my birthdays but just like you said it only last for couple days and I hope I feel the same for this upcoming birthday. I don’t know why I feel a little blue maybe because I suffer from what they call Peter Pan Syndrome, I want to be young forever and carefree. There is fear inside me about turning 30, but also there is excitement and a beginning of an exciting new era not the end of a decade.
      But your experience make me look forward to turn 30 where I can bloom into a mature, confident woman who is in tune with her body and soul, which means live life on my own terms even more than now.
      You’re right we should cherish every single day and keep on enjoying life, exploring, learning and evolving.
      Again dear thank you for sharing your positive attitude and experience, much appreciated it ❤

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  4. ما في شي بزعل هيدا مجرد رقم سأليني لئلي من هيديك السنة صار عمري 30 و حتى بعد 10 سنين لو سئلوني شو عمرك رح قلون 30 انا وقفت النمو عهيدا الرقم و انتي عملي متلي و يلي بساعدنا انو نحنا من بين اصغر من عمرنا

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