Tag Archives: enjoy life

Live your life


A friend: where we will go, after we die?

Me: Why do you care?

A friend: What if I died tomorrow, will I go to heaven?

Me: Look up!! Just see how the sky is turning blue losing its drabness and monotony.

A friend: what does this even mean?

Me: It means you’re not dead so stop acting like one! Just like the sky, you are a beauty and a bringer of happiness and smiles. You were placed here to live not to just exist. So don’t be afraid to take the extra mile and stop assuming for the worst.



Life Lessons


I have hurt and I have been hurt. I have loved with all my heart and I have been loved. I have lost and I have been lost. I have laughed…I have cried…I have yelled…I have thrown things…I have made the most of each moment and I have wasted time…I have thrown myself into things that I was not ready for and I have waited too long to jump on the train of opportunity. But all in all…I have learned and still learning.

There are days when I feel impatient with the way my life is going and I feel angry or frustrated. Yes my career is not going the way I planned and my job is not satisfying, yes I have financial problems, and yes caring for others can be tiring sometimes and I can’t find time for myself. I need to learn how to be patient. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing:  to wait for events to unfold in their own time. I need to learn to relax and stop trying to force things to happen. I can’t control everything in my life, and it is this is the right time to stop trying. I don’t have to achieve all my goals in one day or even one month.

 Despite the disappointments of our complex lives, we should begin to learn how to live. I will continue to strive for progress and be satisfied to be an imperfect human. Each day is a new start for me and each moment is a new beginning.
