Tag Archives: destroyed freedom

The Freedom Illusion


We live in a world where, we can be fired by what we post online, for what our hobbies are, and for being an actual individual when we are off the clock. Books like “1984” and movies like “V for Vendetta” can only get the ideals of a broken society correct, but by the time literature or a movie become classic, they are buried under the actual dated assumption by which they will actually be introduced. The prediction of results however, will always be the same, and apparently too late to notice until our freedoms are destroyed.

This time, those freedoms are under a buffer-barrier. The basis of speech is free but the mediums at which we are allowed to talk never are. For instance, Facebook has become the facilitator for our communication, but because the medium platform that we are able to get the word out is owned, we are regulated due to such ownership.

In my country, people who spread fake news, orchestrate massive hate and racism campaigns on the internet, send rape threats and death threats and spread every sort of bile go scot- free; while people who spread the truth and fight for the right are either sentenced to jail, end up losing their job, or get death and rape threats. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why.

1984 by Guillaume Morellec