Tag Archives: fun

Why I write (Poem)


I write to cope
I don’t choose to write my poems
poems choose me
it’s my get away time
it’s my soul’s language
My passion & how I manage
I reach out to others with my pen
for healing, releasing, awakening & even revenge
poems gives me a voice when I feel stifled
& give me hope for love delightful
I share the beauty my heart sees
all the passion, desire I need
my poems are a journey of discovery
a plethora of ideas come into being
a privilege to share as we lift our eyes seeing
poems gently landing in soft rhyme
hectic writing of stunning wonder time after time
my pleasure
my rapture
my life

home office desk background, Desk musicians, hand holding pencil

One Lovely Blog Award


A while four awesome bloggers: amanpan Annie, Vibrant and freespirit have nominated me for the one lovely blog award

And if you’re looking for something interesting this week, you should definitely check their blogs and you won’t be disappointed:





The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Add 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 – 15 bloggers for the award, and comment on one of their posts to let them know.

7 Facts about me

I find the simplest things fascinating and wish my eyes were a camera.

I don’t believe in destiny or fate. We control our future not some celestial force or being.

I have an obsession with chocolate and red wine


I’m very stubborn and won’t budge for anything in the world


I’m pretty much impulsive.


I keep a red notepad by my bed for my writings and scribbles

Sometimes I can watch horror films completely alone in the middle of the night with the lights out and the curtains drawn


I nominate:




