Tag Archives: heart

Ripping my own heart


Please let me pierce this heart so I may never feel with it again
It’s been so much a burden and even less a friend
It drags me into situations that I truly cannot face
Though when I try to get through them I always lose my place
So let me end this now so it can be on my own terms
Then let me bury it where I may and feed it to the worms
I’ll no longer be a slave to you I’ll no longer lose my way
For I know I could be happier without you each and every day
All you do is torment with how much people truly don’t care
And to think about this brings me distress and it something I can hardly bare


Spinning Motion


I hate this spinning
that spawns in my chest
and spreads
to every
bit of my
that ends in each inch
spinning in different
to where I can’t figure
if my feet are up
or sideways
if my heart is thumping
or stopping
if this world is a
because there is
and I am

(An old poem)


Quote of the week


“The real warriors in this world are the ones that see the details of another’s soul. They see the transparency behind walls people put up. They stand on the battlefield of life and expose their heart’s transparency, so other’s can finish the day with hope. They are the sensitive souls that understand that before they could be a light they first had to feel the burn. “Shannon Alder


Quote of the Week


“It’s a truly beautiful thing when you find someone who wants to fall in love with your mind. Someone that wants to undress your conscience & make love to your thoughts. Someone who is patiently willing to work their way over the walls you have meticulously spent a lifetime building. Sapiosexuals despise small talk. They want to talk about death, life on other planets, religion, sex, your flaws, politics, atoms, favorite scents, your childhood, the lies you have told, what keeps you up at night, goals, insecurities, what makes you laugh uncontrollably, the meaning of life; the list just goes on. We want someone who not only respects our differences, but doesn’t fear the challenges of us. Someone with depth & drive. Someone who is obsessively curious about learning every intimate detail about us & feels fortunate that they get the rare opportunity to see a side of us that others could only wish for. We don’t want, nor need, someone who only wants to know ‘what’s up’, or thinks ‘wyd’ is sufficient effort to tear down sturdy walls & undo an entire existence of disappointments & shallow encounters. For us, mental stimulation supersedes physical. Arousal comes not from the body, but from the intellectual soul.”-Unknown Author




I Feel You


There isn’t a day I don’t think about you,

There isn’t a moment I don’t wonder what you’re doing,

How you’re feeling or thinking

I feel you in every sweet love song

I feel you in every word I write in my poetry

I feel you in every sunset and gust of wind


That one person


Nothing beats finding that one person that you just feel comfortable enough to not have to say anything around. That one person you never have to explain yourself to, that one individual that can travel down the rabbit hole of what it is to be you, and yet they never fear what they will find in you. That one person that feels your heartbeat from a foot away & knows what you need before you even know you need it.


The Mine


In silence there are many sounds,
like the countless days that make years go round.
Crickets singing and the soft wind blowing
all make up the silence without you knowing.
Like the trees and grass compose the deep forest,
as it takes many voices to cause a chorus.
The smallest events happening every day
affect our lives in their own special way.
For each act of love you allow one another
defines your heart and soul,it takes many grains to fill the sands of time,
make each one gold to fill the mine

It matters


Not a day goes by that I don’t feel what matters most in my heart. The people I love, my creations, my love of life and the relationship I have with myself. All of this is what I bring into relationships. I’m very selective, I experience this as honoring myself, my time and the time I share with others. I’m tender and quiet today. This is the result of my heart beating strong. Because of this it feels deeply. It was said to me today it hurts because it matters. It sure does matter!!